Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 1 - Magic Online Innistrad Sealed

I decided to start off with a Magic Online Innistrad 4 pack sealed event.

Theoretically this put me on even footing with everyone else, we all opened 4 packs, we all built our decks. I don't have to fight uphill against opponents who've spent hundreds of times as much money as I have.

Of course some of the folks I played could have had a lot more experience playing with the cards than me or they could have easily been as new to the current state of MtG as I am!

My MODO name is Carny and I've been on there for quite a while actually, I've just never participated in many events. 

I bought my event tickets and hopped into the queue to wait for the event to start.
This brings my tally of money spent on Magic to $16.00, the cost of 4 Innistrad Booster Packs.

The first thing I did when my brand new cards appeared in front of me was to sort them by rarity. No slow-rolling of the good stuff for me, I wanted to see a Mythic Rare staring back!
Unfortunately I wasn't lucky enough to score one of the crazy expensive cards but I was lucky enough to get 2 nice White rares!

Here's what I got out of the 4 packs:


Geist-Honored Monk
Angel of Flight AlabasterBonds of Faith
Avacynian Priest
Gallows Warden x 2
Midnight Haunting
Selfless Cathar
Spare From Evil
Spectral Rider
Urgent Exocism
Voiceless Spirit


Corpse Lunge
Curse of Oblivion
Diregraf Ghoul
Manor Skeleton
Maw of the Mire
Skeletal Grimace
Stromkirk Patrol
Victim of Night x 2


Armored Skaab
Curse of the Bloody Tome
Frightful Delusion
Hysterical Blindness
Silent Departure
Think Twice


Full Moon's Rise
Grizzled Outcasts
Somberwald Spider x 2
Spidery Grasp


Crossway Vampire
Feral Ridgewold
Harvest Pyre
Into the Maw of Hell
Nightbird's Clutches
Pitchburn Devils
Rage Thrower
Riot Devils
Tormented Pariah
Village Ironsmith

Artifacts & Lands 

Clifftop Retreat
Stensia Bloodhall Foil
Cellar Door
Cobbled Wings
Demonmail Hauberk
Inquisitor's Flail
One-Eyed Scarecrow
Witchbane Orb

I had some trouble deciding on how to assemble my deck. I knew I was going to be playing the really nice white cards but none of my other colors seemed deep enough to support a whole deck. I tried the Black cards first since I had 3 really nice removal spells in Victim of Night x 2 & Corpse Lunge. There were only 3 creatures in black though and 1 of them cost 5, the same as my 4 big White guys! Green and Blue were both in just as bad shape as Black but without the appealing creature-kill-cards.

I finally settled on playing Red even though the creatures were less than exciting. Red gave me almost as much removal as Black and allowed me to play my fancy Clifftop Retreat dual land. It also helped a lot that the minimum deck size for this event was 30 cards, I doubt I could have found another 10 to play!

After a short wait for the rest of the players to finish building their decks, a wait that I spent typing up the beginning of this post, I was paired up with my first opponent. I don't know the protocol on posting people's MODO handles so I'm going to leave them out this time around, the last thing I need is to get on a stranger's bad side! I made a point to begin this match and each one after with a "good luck to ya!" and my first opponent popped right back with the same (although he was the only one).

My first 2 matches went wonderfully. I won them both 2 games to none on the back of my powerful White cards and my Red removal. There was one very close game, though, where a boosted Invisible Stalker almost took me out all by himself! I liked working out what my opponent was capable of and it felt really good to win that game at 1 life. I even got to make use of my Sideboard to swap in an Urgent Exorcism for my opponent's Spirit tokens.

My final opponent, the one who stood between me and total victory, ending up not showing up for the round. I had a decent hand ready of Cloistered Youth, Midnight Haunting and land but, after waiting for just under 10 minutes for him to decide about his opening hand, the MODO program kicked him out and declared me the winner. I was sad that I'd been robbed of at least 2 more games of Magic but, on the up side, I'd won enough packs to cover my next event and then some!

I had a lot of fun, it's always nice to win, and I'm excited about my next chance to play which will be Friday Night Magic at Magic Comics and Hobbies in Slidell, LA. This time I need to scrape together some semblance of a real deck without spending my entire paycheck!

  • Winning
  • Feeling Challenged by 1 of my opponents
  • Getting new cards online (I still have a pitiful collection)
  • Not getting to play all 3 rounds
  • Waiting between rounds (it took just under 2.5 hours to finish the whole event


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